Words To Walk By

The Power Of God Ministry

BIOGRAPHY -Pastor Kevin Stewart

I was born in Kingston, Jamaica and spent most my life in Kingston. My mother was my first exposure to Christianity, as I would frequently hear her singing hymns and spirituals when she was washing or cleaning or some household chore. She was also my first exposure to spiritual gifts, as many times her singing would transition to worship and eventually speaking in tongues. None of this moved me to decide to follow Jesus for many, many years. I would grow like most boys into a young man who was far more interested in popularity, possessions, and girls. I attended a Catholic church and their youth club for a few years but that still had no impact on my heart or desire to follow Jesus. In fact, I would go on to graduate high school and join the party and clubbing scene, and yes slide down the path of debauchery and promiscuity for several years. Because of the experience of seeing my mother’s faith, there was always a consciousness of the reality of God and the intellectual knowledge of Jesus and His death at Calvary, but not enough to make a life change for me. That was until early 1995 when I began to be discontented with my life. I was working the same job, training in my sport of choice and partying, clubbing, and indulging in anything that appealed to my desires that I had access to and doing this on repeat. I began to question if this were all there was to life and if that were what I would be doing until I meet my maker. I was very discontent with the meaninglessness I felt about my life and how empty I felt as a result. I tried morality, doing what I believed was morally right, but kept failing to live up to that standard for more than a month, a week, or a day sometimes. I felt powerless to change and was afraid I was not good enough for God and would be stuck in this meaninglessness. It was Easter of this same year that I contracted chicken pox and was forced to stay home to isolate. A friend of mine who had already had the disease and who was my primary partying buddy came over to visit and invited me to his church for Good Friday stations of the cross service to be held in a couple of weeks. I declined of course with the illness but sat down after he left to watch the story on the life of Jesus. When the picture got to Jesus’ betrayal, trial and ultimately His crucifixion, I could not look away from the television, for I found myself wondering for the first time why would He endure so much for me, a stranger. I was certain I would never do this for Him and was troubled that He did for me. At the end of the program, I went to a little used room in the house, knelt and prayed to Jesus telling Him I would not have done the same for Him and that if He truly did all that for me, then I would like to know Him. Without any fanfare, God answered that prayer and my life changed then. I did not realize it until I noticed I had a desire to know what was written in the Bible, I wanted to pray and know more about this Jesus. I took my friend up on his offer for Good Friday service and was deeply convicted as the priest went through the stations of the cross, and describing what Jesus had to endure. I was frightened by my own emotions and did not understand at the time that God had changed my heart and awakened me spiritually to Him. My journey continues and I am a far way from fully sanctified and a long way from where He would have me, but He as privileged me to serve Him for the past 24 years at various points. Over the past 20 years, I have served in megachurches in 3 different counties in Southern California in leading people to Jesus as a Decision Counselor, Served as a Discipler, Bible Teacher, New Believers’ Ministry Director, Life Group/Small Group Leader and Small Group Leadership Coach, Intercessor, inner Healing and Deliverance Minister, Marriage Counselor and so much more. I am grateful to God that He is patient and loving, and that my story can be anyone’s story who chooses to place their trust fully in Him.

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